Book authors Nick van Dam and Jacqueline Brassey have developed a set of diagnostic tools to help people grow and develop. The following free assessments are designed to help you deal with barriers and setbacks and empower yourself with confidence. Find the assessments here: http://www.reachingyourpotential.org
- Mindsets for lifelong learners: Are you a lifelong learner? Studies show that people who are lifelong learners are more successful professionally and lead happier, and more fulfilling lives. This assessment will measure your score on 7 different mindsets of lifelong learners. You will receive the scores of your assessment on your screen after you have submitted your results.
- Authentic professional confidence: Reaching your full potential will take courage and authentic confidence. You can develop this courage by building the bounce back power to deal with any situation that crosses your path in your career. This assessment, will measure you on 6 dimensions of emotional flexibility in support of building authentic professional confidence. We are continuously developing and updating this through our research and experience. You will receive the scores of your assessment on your screen after you have submitted your results.